Tell the loser to shut up and get lost to gain some dark side points. He tells you that a member of the exchange has been clamping down on the refugee sector recently. Beat down the thugs and tell the helpless human that he owes you. As you leave the landing pad you will run into two thugs harassing a human for wandering from the refugee sector. Be sure to level up your new characters and equip them with new armor and weapons. He will back off quickly under threats to his life and you will gain some more dark side points. The exile later met Zez-Kai Ell in there.Swoop Racing The Docks Entertainment Promenade After landing on Nar Shaddaa inform the winged creature who hassles the group about the parking job that you work for the exchange. She brought the Exile there on her way to see Visquis in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, drugged her, took her Space Suit, and left.

The large room belonged to Mira, the bounty hunter. In the next room, she found a refugee named Lootra.

In the next room, she found an Ithorian named Lasavvou who needed to pay off a fee. She found the Twi'lek dead, was attacked by a cleaning droid, and when she returned to the flophouse, the Bith was dead killed by his own droid. In another room, she found a Bith scientist, who asked her to pick up an item from a Twi'lek. In another room, she found some Lunar Shadow Crewmen and got them a captain. In another room, she found some Mandalorians, and Mandalore convinced them to go to Dxun. In one room, the Exile found two thugs plotting to get into Vogga's stash. Note: The events in this section may or may not have been confirmed as canon within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Alternate stories are noted in the " Behind the scenes" section. This section of the article assumes that the player chooses only "light side" options in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.